TenCent just replaced all of China Literature’s founding members with their own in an attempt to make more profit off creator owned IP, probably after seeing The Untamed (and others) success. This is REALLY CONCERNING when you realize how much TenCent owns of our entertainment.
This would be (similar, not exactly like) if AO3 suddenly had all of its head members leave replaced with, say, Disney and Disney said that they now (paraphrasing) own all original works on A03 and can do whatever they want with original IP to make $.
This is enormously bad and likely won’t make ripples here but they own basically the two main webnovel publishing platforms.

There is barely any news about this when IMHO this is an enormous gaming news story when you realize how much of what is in the gaming sphere is owned or funded by TenCent but because it’s webnovels, well. 😬
It’s difficult to find news about this on Eng sites but there are a lot of different articles within the last few days about just how much money TenCent has spent buying up new things across the world and that is SUPER CONCERNING.
TenCent owns League of Legends, along with parts of Fortnite and PubG
If you want it put in video game terms: imagine TenCent bought http://itch.io  or Steam or somewhere folks self publish and then changed the contract to say oh, no, we own creative rights to your ip so we can do what we want. Crazy right? That’s what they did w webnovels.
If they haven’t already I would put real money on them slowly getting more of a foothold in game publishing over the next few years and doing the exact same thing.
TenCent and Spotify entered an agreement in 2017 to swap 10% stake in each other’s business. Think about how many independent creators are on Spotify.
This IS ENORMOUSLY BAD, GUYS. Would REALLY like to see reporting on this by @Kotaku or @Polygon or like any main gaming site but I highly doubt they’ll pick this up
Oh hey wait belatedly? They own 40% of epic games. Doesn’t Epic Games have its own publishing platform for indies?????? Big yikes.
Oh hey someone else has a write up going over HOW SHITTY these terms are for creators. This is horrific. https://twitter.com/etvofluff/status/1256610192327716865?s=21 https://twitter.com/etvofluff/status/1256610192327716865
We're seeing something very similar with writing, with regards to Wattpad and RNovel. A good thread summary about this issue is located here:
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