Come along with me on this thread about SOGI123, the sexual orientation and gender identity education given to public school children in my province. I am going to focus on what is taught to children from kindergarten through grade two.
I'm doing this because a BC teacher was just suspended for 15 days for distributing a pamphlet to "stop SOGI 123". Now, to be clear, I take issue with the "GI" i.e. gender identity portion of the education, as well as anything that is weirdly sexualized for 5-7 year old children.
I have two boys who will attend public school in BC. Parents are *not allowed* to opt out of this education. Whether a given teacher uses all of the provided curricula is perhaps up for debate, but I am going to assume it will be. I am beside myself with anger about this junk.
Junk, I should point out, that is lauded as progressive and visionary and inclusive. And all those opposed to it are smeared as alt-right religious bigots. I am a lefty and an atheist. For the record. If this thread reaches parents who haven't questioned SOGI, please do.
One lesson is about a boy who likes dresses. Ergo the lesson is on how boy is *actually* a girl, not about how boys, too, can like dresses. (Regressive sex stereotype alert.)
Children are told to consider how the boy's parents are parenting their own child at home. And to discuss how wrong the parents are for not validating their child's chosen gender. Sounds like the state wants kids to rat on their families for wrong think.
Students get to design a dress for Bailey! But don't get too creative, kids, please make sure you validate Bailey with bows and ribbons and all the girly stuff. Don't make any kindergarten hate-art. Always remember that GIRLS wear DRESSES.
Another story about validating children's gender identity. This time it's a red crayon that's actually blue. "How would it make you feel if you felt like an owl on the inside but everyone told you that you were a person?" Umm? Huh? You're making my point for me: this is crazy.
Children also do a role play where they use different pronouns, including "they". I would rather my children learn that boys and girls can look, dress, and behave/play however they would like, and they will still be boys or girls. Children are not born into the wrong body, ever.
Duplicate image. But look at the last 2 lines, under "What if I don't FEEL the way I LOOK": "What if a boy wanted to join a dance class or play with barbies? What if a girl wanted to join hockey or play with trucks?" I am so angry at this.
"What if I don't FEEL the way I LOOK?" followed by a girl wanting to play hockey/play with trucks. Our children are being taught regressive sex stereotypes. In 2020! I was the little girl who played hockey and played with trucks, in the 80s/90s. No one EVER said I was a boy!
I am heartbroken for this generation of children, who are victims of the horseshoe effect: We got so progressive we are now regressing. I am also angry as hell that my provincial gov't won't let me opt out of this. I will opt out. You cannot force this on my children.
There's a progressive, leftist, feminist critique of gender identity being taught to children, in addition to the religious critique that gets news coverage. Our children deserve better than 1950s sex stereotypes. I will gladly chat to other BC parents who have questions. DM me.
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