Why this whole past season of the Bachelor was 100% staged and a hoax: a Twitter thread
Before we begin, I’d like to remind you that people have come out and said they have been paid to be on the show. Some seasons have a large number of actresses, but they don’t say their an actress for their career. Some girls have come out and said they were paid for the show.
So, as everyone knows, Peter is now dating Kelley after sending her home before the fantasy suites. I’m convinced the whole time, Peter knew he was going to end up with Kelley. Let me explain,
So as the story goes, Kelley and Peter met before the show even started and they were both set to be on the show. They hit it off, and Peter knew she would be coming on the show.
Well, what if Peter liked her so much when they met that he no longer wanted to do the show? What if he wanted a normal relationship outside of TV? But at that point, he was announced as the new Bachelor, and contracts with ABC are hard to get out of.
So, if Peter can’t get out of the contract, but wants to end up with Kelley, he still has to do the show. I’m convinced he talked to the producers on how he wanted to end up with her, so this whole season was fake for ratings. HERE WE GO!
So, my theory is, the producers planted Hannah Ann in the house as an actress. But, none of the other girls knew, except Kelley, who knew she would eventually end up with Peter.
Hannah is a model, but she has dabbled in acting before. She was in a music video with Chris lane. While it’s not 100% great acting, she is no stranger to it
Why would Hannah agree to this? Everyone knows that you get a ton of exposure from this show, and a huge following. It’s an easy way to get your name out there.
You have to admit, this season was “the most dramatic season yet”, but the producers stepped in a lot of times and a lot of the drama was set up by the producers.
If Peter just went throughout the season and ended up with Kelley, that’s too predicatable right? So most of the drama was forced.
Example 1: The producers intentionally set up champagne gate. The bottles were switched, and there has been so much talk on how the producers intentionally did this for drama. Who was involved with this? No one other than Hannah Ann!
Example 2: The whole Chase rice situation was 100% intentional by the producers and forced. This was too good of an oppertunity to let go to waste, and it was one of the most talked about things all season.
Example 3: some of Peters choices were .... very questionable to say the least. A lot of people all season said Peter rewarded drama with who he kept and who he sent home, but I think this was all the producers, and Peter had no say in who stayed and who left.
With Victoria F, so many people questioned why she stayed every week. If they were arguing so much, why would he see any future with her at all? This was super angering for a lot of people, and a lot of people had strong feelings about her.
As the season went on and Peter finally sent Kelley home, it was a strange encounter. Hannah Ann burst into tears but Kelley didn’t cry one bit? Peter has almost no emotion?
You wanna tell me this is the face of someone who just got dumped? I just think it’s strange that Hannah Ann was more emotional over this then Kelley. Unless she knew it wasn’t really over for them....
So Peter ends up with Hannah Ann, and they immediately break it off and Peter ends up single. A lot of people remember how strange Peter’s proposal was, and there is no way you can tell me it was truly authentic. Why would he bring up his ex in a proposal? Seems forced...
Another strange thing is how Kelley wasn’t at the Women Tell All. To this day, no one knows why she wasn’t there, but that is very suspicious and a huge red flag, given that only people still in the show aren’t in that episode.
When Barb was on the show, a lot of people were very .... inspired by how dramatic Barb was. She was crying and crying about how much she wanted Hannah Ann with Peter. What if this was all staged? You have to admit, her reactions were a bit over the top.
Given how much Barb liked Hannah Ann, she never followed her on Instagram at any point in time! But she follows so many other people from Bachelor Nation, including Hannah Brown, and had been following Kelley the whole time.
The same can be said for Jack, Peter’s brother. He liked Hannah Ann as well, but never followed her, but was always following Kelley.
Now, Peter and Kelley are happy together. They were first seen together right as the shelter in place order was issued. Why would someone not in a super stable, committed, long term relationship quarantine with their Ex who dumped them for 3 other girls?
While we are all mad at Peter for the decisions he made this season, I’m just not convinced the whole season wasn’t a hoax and all staged.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
Some updates: when the show ends, most of the girls all go and hang out together. For Hannah Ann, she has not been seen with any of the girls at all! To me, this just seems odd. It makes me think it was like a job to her
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