triggers dont have to be violent . a trigger is something that reminds someone of a past trauma or horrible thing that’s happened or is still happening to them . oftentimes , yes , triggers will be violent ; blood , knives , yelling , etc . but that’s not always the case [ 1/5 ]
if a traumatic event happened during christmas , christmas ornaments and music could become a trigger for them . for those with past or present eating disorders , food could be a trigger for them . and all of that is okay ; having a trigger that isn’t inherently violent [ 2/5 ]
doesn’t make you sensitive or weak . you are far from weak because you’ve seen horrible things and you’re still around to read this . don’t be afraid to tell people that something is triggering for you , even if it might seem odd to them [ 3/5 ]
and to those without triggers , please be respectful of everyone who asks you to tag something . every survivor is different , and every scar is different . check up on your followers every now and then to see what you need to tag so that nobody is left to hurt . [ 4/5 ]
be safe , and be kind . and to the survivors reading this , you did not deserve the trauma that you experienced . it was not your fault . you aren’t faking this ; if you were faking , you’d know for certain . you are loved , and help is out there [ 5/5 ]
not part of the thread , but to all the survivors commenting with their triggers and stories , i am so proud of you . keeping yourself safe is so much more important than possibly inconveniencing someone . so please , tell people what triggers you so that [ 1/2 ]
they can avoid it or tag it . im sure that they won’t mind ; your friends are here to keep you safe and happy . no trigger is a stupid trigger . you are so much stronger than you’ve been lead to believe you are . i wish you all the best recovery [ 2/2 ]
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