My take on TWAW: To me a trans person is a person so distressed by their gender dissidence that they feel the need to transition to the opposite sex. I can accept trans women as honorary women. Being an honorary member of a group means having GENUINE respect for that group.
So I can't accept how some transactivists want to identify as something that they SEEMINGLY hate. Will I misgender those people to show my awfully terfy teeth? Actually, I will just avoid them entirely. I don't waste my time with entitled individuals.
This is my personal take on the matter. This doesn't mean I don't understand biology or see the complexities when it comes to sex segregated spaces. I do. This is more my take on which identities are valid.
If a TRA sees this thread they will mock it as: "you only like cis bootlickers, you are saying you only tolerate the good ones". Maybe some GCrit folks might say: just cognitive dissonance on your part. I would argue the situation is more nuanced than that.
Almost a month later I do admit there is probably some cognitive dissonance in my part. That said, I generally stand by this thread, but I'm certainly more openly Gender Critical now (even if perhaps a bad one).
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