Fritz Springmeier copyright 1991


It is time to recognize these heros
for truth and freedom.
Alexander, Czar of Russia- for prohibiting all Masonic Lodges

Giorgio Arabrosoli- His legal investigation into the P2 Masonic Lodge cost him his life.

Randall Baer- Christian, ex-New Age leader, for knowing and saying too much.
William Branham- Country preacher who learned how Illuminati trained witches are infiltrating Christianity. Killed by an alcoholic, and false stories circulated to discredit him.

Sen. Bronson- Cutting critic of Roosevelt's New Deal. His tampered with plane crashed.
Professor Charini- Murdered for trying to translate the Talmud

Tom Collins- Made an example of by the Illuminati for talking too much.

Laurence Duggen- Institute of International education, murdered

Vincent Forrestal-Sec. of Defense, he knew too much and failed to cooperate.
Forced into a mental hospital and "fell" out of a window.

Boris Giuliano- Deputy superintendent of Palermo's police force, uncovered evidence, received six shots in a crowded restaurant, no witnesses.

Princess Grace- It is believed she knew too much for their comfort.
Grand Duke of Tuscany- tried to outlaw Freemasonry

John F. Kennedy- This President ticked off nearly everyone in the One-World-Power system, and the details of his murder are one way for people to be introduced to what is happening.
Abraham Lincoln- This President also ticked off nearly everyone in the One-World-Power system, he was a great man. John Wilkes Booth was a member of the Carbonari (Haute Vente) a French Lodge system set up Masons. According to a relative of John Wilkes Booth he was
also a
Knights Templar Mason

Prof. F.O. Matthiesen- Harvard Professor

William Morgan- His book and murder still have the Masons making excuses and lies. Some Masons honestly admit he was murdered.

Napoleon III- Broke his Masonic oath

Herbert Norman- Canadian diplomat
Mino Perorelli- murdered for exposing the CIA-P2 ties

Pope John Paul I- Even Popes can go if they rock the boat

George Polk- CBS newsman who was investigating the Greek elite, who have ties to Chase Manhattan, the Masons, and the CIA. Evidence suggests the CIA covered up the

Rev. I.B. Pranaitis- A Christian murdered for exposing the Talmud

Samuel Pritchard- exposed Masonry, murdered in 1730

Sen. Schall- Critical of Roosevelt's Jewish connections, killed by an unidentified hit and run driver.
Ellen Slade- murdered for not cooperating the Grand Lodge of IL.'s orders

Marvin Smith- murdered to keep his testimony from coming to court.

Noah Smith- opposed Masonry in 1798 in Manchester, VT

Didacus of Vilna- A Christian Jew who was cruelly murdered for revealing
Jewish Plans for the world,

...David Brounlee, Oliver Gavit, Job Hunt, Artemus Kenedy, F.O. Mattheisen, William Michner, William Miller (of Belfast, Ir. in 1813), Ariel Murdock, and many others.
** Against the concept of national identities

** Against man going directly to God—either
he has a hierarchy imposed on him, for he is told
to be his own God (misdirected, rerouted) told to
look to self for answers.
** Against real truth, has snowed the people
with lie upon lie, perverted truth is given out by
"free" press

** Against openess, creates secret societies &
secret intelligence cults & hides their new laws
from public
** Against having one truth & just one true
God (truth that God is supposedly unknowable,
relative) Against any real truth, therefore against
God & truth

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