Some of many who can also pinpoint Neo-Nazi affiliations; don’t discount non-academic activists doing the heavy lifting - for years.

@nezumi_ningen @LA_Kings_67 @AntiFashGordon @AllisonBetus @kathleen_belew @scottkernest @socialistdogmom @_Shan_Martinez_ @lilsarg @heupchurch
Some of us academics with “expertise” in right-wing extremism came to it by unhappy accident of real life, but even those who didn’t owe an enormous debt to the many antifa & other anti-Nazi activists putting their lives on the line for zero renumeration or credit whatsoever.
It drives me crazy but to see ivory tower academics held up as experts in far right extremism to the detriment of all the activists on the ground.

And by activists, I sure as hell mean formers - no one’s better placed to talk about the threat we’re all facing.

Listen to THEM.
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