Britain is not a genuine nation, but a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense wealth & power they wield & abuse.

Since recognising this truth, I realise that, as a British citizen, I am nationless.
This has profound social & political implications, which are not generally recognised, because the vast majority of British citizens are deceived, rewarded & intimidated into accepting Britain as their nation, i.e. into loving #BigBrother.
Most importantly, this truth is not recognised by the academics we look to as authorities on understanding society & the state, because, as favoured clients & employees, they have a huge personal self-interest in loving - & persuading others to love - Big Brother.
I'm sure some academics do recognise this truth, at least partially, but are too fearful of admitting it, perhaps even to themselves.

There are different levels of awareness & Orwellian doublethink, as the truth slowly emerges from the mist of our long-standing delusions.
1984 arrived in Britain decades (in fact, centuries) ago, but because Big Brother embraced #LiberalDemocracy, #AntiFascism & #AntiRacism (as the opposite but equally insane extremes of Nazi fascism & racism) very few have noticed, blinded their own dependency on & love for BB.
Britain is a multi-racial & multicultural society, & will remain so, but it is NOT a nation. Certainly not a genuine one. Any claim to British nationhood is based on lies & deceit.

Genuine nationhood cannot be imposed by the state, &
any state attempting to do so is Orwellian.
I don't care how many British & American citizens believe in British & American nationhood, it is still based on lies, deceit & slightly different regimes of rewards & intimidation.

I have something better to offer, based on a more truthful understanding of society & the state.
I'm returning to this thread after 8 days, & only because I was able to find it easily by searching my Twitter archive for "nationless", which was all I remembered of it, & am only now able to do.

When I say, "I have something better to offer", what I mean is a better idea.
Britain & America are lousy ideas, based on lies, deceit & slightly different regimes of rewards & intimidation. They are immensely powerful & cannot be overthrown (not that I want to), but must be radically reformed, if our civilisation is to survive & prosper.
We need a Reformation on a par with the one initiated by Martin Luther in the early 16th Century, but even more radical, much faster, grassroots-democratic, & completely non-violent, certainly on the part of us reformers.

I'm offering a Reformation, but can't do it on my own.
Either you join me, or it's not going to happen.
You can follow @rogerahicks.
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