I really love “Why Did I Get Married?”
Tyler Perry accurately depicted what bro code is. The men saw how Mike abused Sheila and they kept being friends with him. Apart from a “come on man” and a “that ain’t cool” sprinkled here and there, they didn’t do anything to protect her.
Even “Why Did I Get Married Too?” Mike: I ain’t that bad.
Terry: you’re right, you’re worse.

Then they all chuckle. That’s what male friendships are. No accountability. Just beer and laughs.
Every man on that boat that afternoon was going through something but they didn’t open up to each other. I have a hard time believing male friendships are rooted in love. Mike had cancer and didn’t say a thing. Gavin’s marriage was crumbling and he didn’t ask for help.
Terry was sitting on the knowledge that there’s another man in his wife’s life and he never said anything to his homies. Nothing. Marcus was struggling to earn his wife’s trust back and he couldn’t talk to da boiz about it. All they did was fish, drink and laugh.
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