While everyone is concerned about the #Coronavirus pandemic, it turns out the US is also (coincidentally) going through a #PneumoniaEpidemic at the moment.

* CDC data suggests there is a likely 13k+ shortfall in reported #COVID19 deaths in the US over the last 5 weeks.
Another interesting factoid I dug up while analyzing the official CDC data.

If you look at the worst 3 week period for recorded pneumonia deaths since 2014:

2018 -> 16,182
2015 -> 16,348
2020 -> 22,685 (last 3 weeks)

* Random coincidence of course.
The more I think about this the more I realize there's a very important political story being played out here.

It's all about appearances, not accuracy.

It's about spinning relative success.

"U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported, C.D.C. Data Suggests"


* Right wing media machine is trying to push the opposite narrative, but you can't hide the bodies.
Quick update to the #PneumoniaEpidemic graph.

At this stage CDC data suggests there are ~25k deaths above normal rates, which have been classified as "Due to Pneumonia" over the 6 week period starting late March.

#Covid19 #NotSuspiciousAtAll
Added week 18 to the #PneumoniaEpidemic graph.

30k+ excess deaths attributed to pneumonia over the 7 week period starting late March.

*Insert your own narrative here*
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