I am still reading One Piece. Just ridiculously slowly. And I'm gonna use this to post reactions.
I'm currently just at where I stopped reading when I was younger because I don't remember any of this. So apparently I stopped with Vivi.
Learning about Noland...

Someone: yeah. He's a liar
Literally the whole crew: *looks at Usopp*
FYI I'm still reading. Just bad at "reacting". But man, got to the tweedle dee and tweedle dum...

Though Zoro with goggles is... very attractive. Thanks Tai, for being my first anime crush, and now my type is characters with goggles!!!
And I just love Chopper so much 😭

Also, I'm super close to chapter 300!! I'm doing it!!
ugh Nico is just so cool. I'm in the middle of the Skypiea arc, and I just love her and Chopper so much. Excuse me while I look for a wig for Chopper.
I'm watching it on Netflix now... dubbed because I multitask 💕 I am just so excited to watch it. My mom is cheering me on 😂
For an update anime wise, I'm at Sanji's intro. Well, almost done with Sanji. I actually really like the English version ❤

And, fun fact, my brother is watching it with his family, so my nephews and niece are getting into One Piece too!
I'm starting Nami's backstory in the anime 😍😍

And I'm almost caught up with my library books so I'll be able to read more of the manga.
I'm emotionally compromised and Nami's backstory is making me cry my eyes out.
My mom has been watching it with me because she wants to see Chopper. Plus, my nephews and niece are watching it too, so now she can talk to them about it. 💕

She is so excited for Chopper!! 💖
My friends know me so well.

Me: I wonder who will be my favorite character.
Literally everyone who has seen OP: Chopper.

You were all so right.
Shit. I love Chopper so much. I'm crying right now.

When I was younger, Sanji was my fave. But now a reindeer with a blue nose.
Everyone is cuddling Chopper and I'm here jealous that I can't cuddle my friends. 😭
OK. I need to get back into reading the manga. I'm on chapter 270, so let's go~
Oh. Don't mind me. Crying over Norland. It's fine.
I can't believe I finished the skypiea arc!!! Onto the next!
Every time chopper goes "we need a doctor ... I'M A DOCTOR!!!!" My heart only grows.
oh. well Tom's arc hurts 😭
Why????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Who gave Nico the right to make me cry???
I did it. I made it to chapter 400 😭😭 I still have so much to catch up on but do I get a prize?
I'm sorry. Are you telling me... Luffy's teeth stretch?
Oh. Oh no.
Grandpa... ?!?!?!?! WHAT?
👀👀 Koby. You had NO RIGHT
Chopper being scared of ghost stories is 100% me.
OMG Chopper's and Sanji's wanted poster!! A PET?!?! NO PHOTO! Send help!
And there is the end of Water 7!!!!
So apparently there's a Funimation app for my TV, sooooo watching more of the anime~!
I'm onto some fillers! Currently, with the Pumpkin Pirates~ These fillers are too bad thus far. They've been pretty cute.
Reading One Piece while watching One Piece.
I have ascended~

For the anime, I'm at Skypiea. For the manga I just meet Brook 💕

I'm becoming such waifu material~
GASP OMG PERONA!!!! I'm so excited!!!!
I'm almost done with Skypiea in the anime! It might be a small dent, but I'm making a dent! I'm just really excited to get to Water 7.
Laboon 🥺 I was told everything is tied together in One Piece, but I didn't realize how much
I did it! I made it to episode 200 😭 in on some fillers but that's ok! The other fillers were good so I have high hopes 💖
I can't believe it. I made it to Water 7 in the anime 😭 I'm gonna take a break from it for a bit. Once I finish Thriller Bark, I might take a break from the manga too 😬
Usopp is gonna make me CRY in Thriller Bark.
Perona cheering on Usopp 😂
Good things WILL happen for him!! You're right, Perona!
This is a mood.
MERMAIDS!!!!! I also can't believe I finished thriller bark!!!
I'M CRYING! I thought the pirate that they were gonna face was Arlong, not the Sanji look-a-like 😂😂😂
I DID IT! I FINALLY MET LAW!!! I'm so excited!!
And I've finally made it to chapter 500 😭😭
Decided to go back to the anime because I missed it too much. I'm so ready for Water 7!
It's so good to see this boy~

Just gonna watch some episodes and prep some muslin to work with tomorrow. So much ironing 😬
I nearly spit out my tea. Sogeking has his own THEME SONG! Man, I wish I was as cool as Usopp. I aspire to be him.
I'm starting my day with some one piece~ and Robin shows up, and my mom goes "oh, who's that? Sexy sexy~"

And she's not wrong...
Oh. Awkward flashback episodes. I usually can't get myself to skip episodes, but I'm tempted.
I have nothing new to say other than the fact that I can't believe I'm so close to episode 300!!
OMFG I'm at Amazon Lily in the manga and they all think Luffy's ... is a mushroom.

I'm gonna die 😂😂😂😂
Not me crying over the going merry ...AGAIN

I'm crying over a ship.
Ummmm I was not prepared for how cute Boa Hancock is. 😍😍 she blushes 😭😭
I'm on the Impel Down Arc and I really like it 😭 or maybe I'm just overly pumped to see Bon Clay again
Oh. Oh no. I need a moment.
I love this beautiful angel.
I just finished the arc and Bon Clay is a gift we don't deserve
I should've been warned about the Marineford Arc. I'm in tears every chapter...
This is so sad.
Oh no. That arc was so hard. I had to finish it though. I knew what it ended with and I'm still sobbing over it.
I'm so close to the time skip though. So close. I just need a break to recover from all that heartbreak
I already cried thanks to the Marineford Arc. The Post-War Arc is gonna make me cry more, isn't it??? Baby Ace and baby Luffy 🥺
omg. I'm crying. I made it to the time skip! I DID IT! I am SO excited!!
Shirahoshi 🥺🥺🥺

Don't worry, princess. I, too, am a crybaby.
Chopper calling himself an "insolent monster"~
I love him!
I did it. I made it to the punk hazard arc. An arc I've actually heard of.

Plus, in the anime, I just met Brook. And I'm a happy little camper~
My mom has decided on her fave character
Finally finished Thriller Bark in the anime and in at water park/spa... and the animation is SO different 😱
I've made it to the red line 😭😭😭 the last happy moment before all the heartbreak
Chopper and Law are sooo cute 🥺
Plus, I just really like Smoker...
400 episodes in the anime
700 chapters in the manga

Finally got to the queen in the anime 😭

I showed her to my mom and my mom agrees, Boa Hancock is the most beautiful woman in the world~~
OMG I did it! I've reached the time skip in the anime! I can't believe I'm 517 episodes into this anime! I can't believe I'm over halfway done! I still need to watch the movies though. I'm taking a big break though. I love it! But, I need a BREAK!
Rebecca. You are a wonderful character with a terrible design, and I'm so sorry for that. 😭
Aw man. Law's past 😭😭 nothing like heartbreak right before I go to sleep
Me at Sanji's past
This thread is so long. Maybe I should cut it off and start a new one?? I probably will tbh

But I'm crying my eyes out over Koala 😭 I'm at Fishman Island in the anime 🥺😭😭😭
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