Hey @harpersbazaarus next time you want a piece about plus size sustainable fashion maybe pick a plus size sustainable writer who doesn’t write callous remarks when one of the brands she interviews for the piece closes their doors. I can name about 20 ppl who won’t do this.
So you ready for a long and convoluted (yet true story) to take you into the weekend? Alright, here goes. When Alden Wicker tweeted this she was being gossipy about Elizabeth Suzann but mostly she was trying to hit back at marginalized people who she feels wronged by.
A little over a year ago, a bunch of us on Instagram became friends because we realized sustainability spaces were very white and many folks weren't trying to make room for us or our views. Like everyone loves my message ... now ... but that wasn't the case a year ago.
I had heard stories about this person named Alden Wicker who made a name for themselves behind the scenes silencing, belittling and being not very nice to black and brown people. Basically if she wasn't leading the conversation or engaging in white saviorism she wasn't having it.
And it wasn't just one person. I heard so many stories of the bullying and belittling coming from this one person. Pretty yikes. Anyway I thought, whatever, I'll just avoid. Anyway this group that represents ethical content creators reached out to me about representing me.
Because I was a newbie I was flattered! Though the terms were condescending, I was like "gee that's nice". Basically that meant they would bring me sponsors, I would make the content, they would take a cut. Now I refuse to do heavy sponsoring but for a moment I was weighing it.
So at this point I was getting to know a lot of sustainability marginalized people really well and I expressed to one of my friends that this group had reached out to me. My new friend was like
"Don't do it! That group is run by a total jerk."
Of course I wanted to know more.
So I hear the full story about Alden Wicker silencing and mocking marginalized women on Insta and low and behold the group was run by her. Well hell no, you are not going to make money off my black self. Not uh. I hadn't even looked her up at that point, so I go to look her up.
But I can't seem to find her! Because I'm blocked. We've never interacted but I'm blocked probably for something I said somewhere else. So Alden Wicker is the type of person to solicit you from one account to make money off of you while blocking you from another.
So after that I was pretty mad so we all decided to mutually spill the beans at once. This resulted in well a big mess for her, her retreating from the internet for a bit and leaving the organization she was associated with which I'm sure she was pretty mad about.
Anyway a few of the people who had less than favorable things to say about Alden Wicker and her treatment of brown and black women and non binary folks were recently featured in a campaign with Elizabeth Suzann, called "Clothing Is Political".
During one of Alden Wicker's tantrums because she associated so many of us who were tired of her bullshit with loving Elizabeth Suzann, she alluded to the brand. Or so I've been told.
So when Alden Wicker tweets that an "Instagram darling" (Elizabeth Suzann) closed because "You just can't run your business by catering to every whim of the social media chorus" what she's really saying is,
"How dare you feature those black and Asian people who stood up to me."
And there's the full story on that. But this is why Alden Wicker can't really ally for anyone and shouldn't be writing about inclusive fashion. Because she only likes marginalized women if we're under her boot.
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