Deng Xiaoping Theory, Theory and Practice

In the past I have referenced Deng Xiaoping Theory, and I will attempt to cover some basics in this thread. I will cover the Reform and Opening up, as well as the Four Cardinal Principles.

Please read and digest all parts.
Under what conditions did Deng Xiaoping Theory arise?
This is especially important, as theories only arise out of social practices and real historical context. Deng Xiaoping Theory was first formalised at the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978.
This was just shortly after the defeat of the Gang of Four and the end of the Cultural Revolution. The country was extremely poor and backwards, being in many fields decades behind the capitalist countries and the USSR. Drastic action was needed to advance the Country.
The economy at the time primarily consisted of Planned and Collective industry. Small private industry had been effectively wiped out, and foreign investment was virtually non-existent. There was great social equality but also poverty. Much of the country was agrarian.
It was at this time that the policy of 'Reform and Opening Up' was implemented, formulated mainly by Deng Xiaoping.

This involved allowing limited private enterprise and foreign investment to supplement the ailing economy.
The private economy was always viewed as subservient and supplementary to the planned economy which was to be China's main driving force. Indeed, strict economic planning was retained on farming in many provinces.
The goal of the reform policy was to enrich the Chinese Economy with Western technology, techniques, and money. By taking the best of the capitalist world whilst retaining socialism and the planned economy, China could be led to greater prosperity.
The implementation of these policies took form in the creation of Special Economic Zones, wherein Western Capital would flow in, but would be prevented from dominating Chinese markets. Small private business outside the zones was also encouraged.
By cooperating with Western investors, Chinese companies private and state owned alike could begin to learn from and emulate the advanced capitalist countries. In doing this, the productive forces of the socialist planned economy were strengthened.
The goal set was moderate prosperity, wherein poverty in China could be alleviated and the country uplifted. However, this could not be done without generating revenues and strengthening the nation's industrial base.
This led to the situation where Socialist and non-Socialist production competed in the internal markets, which were used as an allocatory mechanism. This also has the effect of keeping prices for everyday goods low and supplies never over or under abundant.
The reforms were aimed at achieving the 'Four Modernisations', or Modernising/Mechanising Agriculture, Expanding Industry, Allowing Science to Flourish, and Strengthening the Defense Forces.
Reform and Opening Up naturally had major drawbacks. As the economy shifted away from an agrarian base to an industrial one, mass immigration to the cities swelled the populations and caused severe overcrowding. Workers were once again forced to work in harsh conditions.
The bourgeoisie as a class were allowed to redevelop, and exploitation intensified. However, through redistributive policies, prosperity reached all Chinese, albeit somewhat inequally. Social morals declined as competition became rampant.
For these ills some call Deng a bourgeois restorationist, a revisionist, and an anti-Marxist. He was none of these, and to address the problems in reformed society, he formulated the 'Four Cardinal Principles'
These 'Four Cardinal Principles' were as follows:
-Upholding the Socialist Road
-Upholding the People's Democratic Dictatorship
-Upholding the leadership of the CPC
-Upholding Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought

I will now go through these each.
The first seems odd, as Deng was frequently labelled a 'capitalist roader' by the Left Wing of the party. However, despite allowing markets to develop, the primacy of the Planned Economy as the driving force of the economy was never de-emphasised.
The second embodied itself in the suppression of Bourgeois Liberal factions on the Right Wing of the party, and by preserving the systems of community self governance and democracy, as well as the leadership of Workers and Peasants.
The CPC's cadre under Deng was younger and energetic as a result of deliberate policy, and the membership swelled. Focused on beneficial and popular economic work rather than civil war, the CPC was able to gain mass support.
I have detailed in other threads how the CPC adheres to ML-MZT, but in short:
It perpetuates the Mass Line
It practices forms of New Democracy and self-governance
It employs the method of Seeking Truth from Facts
It serves the people's needs
The Deng Xiaoping era was characterised by constant turns in the intl. situation. The fall of the USSR, the beginning of Globalisation, and the Handover of Hong Kong and Macau all took place, and constant adaptation to Marxism-Leninism was necessary.
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat remains, though as always it must adapt, change, and defend itself. However, as Deng knew, deviating from Socialism would mean the brutal imperialist rule of China. But as he said, 'Poverty is not Socialism'.
A truly superior Socialism would not languish in backwardness for the sake of ideological purity; would not be dogmatic and fixed in its methods. Deng knew this more keenly than most.
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