i’m making another thread for #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth : COVID-19 edition
mental health tidbit of the day: being in quarantine for so long has the potential to negatively impact your mental health. one way to protect yourself during this time is to stay connected w loved ones! physical distancing doesn’t mean social distancing. you still have supports!
mental health tidbit of the day: if ur able to, get some exercise in for the sake of ur mental health!! being in quarantine doesn’t mean we have to stay cooped up indoors 24/7. even taking a walk outside is better than nothing, and you’ll probably feel better afterwards!
mental health tidbit of the day: it’s not ur fault if u have low self-esteem!! i saw a troubling “motivational” ig acct telling people this but it’s wrong. if you lack confidence in urself, that’s okay. learning to love yourself is a journey that looks different for everyone 💛
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