I think language doesn’t always go where we need it to go. Sometimes it falls short on expressing what we feel or think with the precision or clarity that we intend.
Especially for most of us. Who are stuck “operating” in 2nd languages with underdeveloped 1st languages.
So we know what we want to say but we our mother tongue won’t give us the words because we grew up in spaces where we were not allowed to develop it.
But English won’t either because it’s just not ours.
So we get stuck and end up using inferior expressions and language to try and express what we think and feel.
Even just trying to express this is difficult for me because the little language that I have won’t go where I need it to go.
And English honestly is the worst “operating” language. It’s so limited and therefore limiting.
What was it that Dambudzo said? You have to fight it and tear it apart just to get it to say what you need it to say?
Something along those lines...
And he was right.
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