The art of semen retention has been practiced by many throughout history as a method to transmute energy into other areas of your body and life.
It is by far one of the most rewarding things I practice. It aids in energy, drive, self-belief and will. I believe women (perhaps unwittingly) can sense it and become more attracted to you… due to the pheromones maybe.
Think of it like this: you have a well of creative force, this force will enable you to produce.

To physically produce another human life requires the most immense amount of force one can produce.
If you are constantly spilling that force your well will be dry and there will be no creative force for production in other areas of your life.

Turning lead into gold.
If you are trying to create a child. GOD DAMN CREATE A CHILD, there is no better duty.

But if you are not, then don’t be cumming every day you filthy cretin.
Coomers have no will. They are empty vessels.

The correlation between weak men of slave mentality and excessive ejaculation cannot be understated.
The creative energy that arises from your balls is the most potent creative fluid in the universe.

The sexual energy is like a deposit of dynamite; it’s presence signifies a formidable source of tremendous potentiality, and also a constant danger of a catastrophic explosion.
Controlling this sexual energy is the first step to complete liberation.
Do not listen to your white coat ‘expurt’ who says that frequent masturbation is healthy and that if you don’t fiendishly wank like clockwork you’ll develop prostate problems.

Do not succumb to the siren song of the roastie either
The fact of the matter is that not a single study has been done on people who transmute sexual energy, thus they have no control group.

Most doctors are initiates in a purely physical world, to ask their opinion on the sacred and metaphysical is usually a waste of time.
If doctors were to study sexual transmutation, they would probably discover it rejuvenates the nervous system, increases functioning of the pineal gland, and awakens all kinds of functions inside the body that relate to chakras and energy centres that lie dormant in most people.

In common usage: “The smaller, usually motile male reproductive cell of most organisms that reproduce sexually.”

It derives from 14th C English: “Seed of male animals,” and from the Latin ‘serere’ meaning ‘to sow’, which itself comes from the IE root *se—.
In the Ancient Egyptian language, ‘smen’ means “order, foundation” or “to be established or founded upon”.

This relates to Simon in the Bible, when Jesus says to him:
“Thou art Simon Peter (Petra: rock), and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven…
And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Do you innerstand?
Semen is the source of all virtue, described by the word, “seminal”:

“Highly original and influencing the development of future events: a seminal artist; seminal ideas.”
In esoteric traditions like Sacred Sexuality, the seed refers to the sexual energy of the organism, whether male or female.
According to Yogic science, semen exists in a subtle form throughout the whole body. It is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body.

It is withdrawn and elaborated into a gross form in the sexual organ under the influence of the sexual will and sexual excitement.
“An Oordhavareta Yogi (one who has stored up the seminal energy in the brain after sublimating the same into spiritual energy) not only converts the semen in Ojas...
...but checks through his Yogic power, through purity in thought, word and deed, the very formation of semen by the secretory cells or testes.

This is a great secret.” — Sri Swami Sivananda
In terms of having sex and ejaculating, yes you don’t benefit from retention but it is less of an issue than masturbating.

You are still transferring energy, but to your girl.
On a less esoteric level, semen is full of highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and ions.

So, tell your girl to swallow if she wants the nutrient density of a filet mignon.
Feel free to RT this thread, as its an important step to a more self-actualised life.

Thank you & have a splendid weekend.
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