Considering it's already May 1st in Brazil, I'll start this thread for the 14 days os SPOP from @spopsite

Day 2: #StreamingSaturday
I can't participate in Netflix Party due to timezone. But, so I don't let this thread down, I'll be sharing my favorite screenshots from the episodes of today.
- Promise (s1e11)
- Roll with it (s2e4)
- Remember (s3e5)
Day 3 of #WeMustBeBrave:
She's a beauty, can't you see?
She's attending this with me
She's my princess of the sea

Yes, Mermista is my favorite princess 🥰
#WeMustBeBrave Day 4
"Because it doesn't matter what they do, the two of us look out for each other."

This quote always breaks my heart. #QuoteRa
#WeMustBeBrave Day 5: let's appreciate the only man possible in this world: Bow!

#WeMustBeBrave Day 6: #StrongPeopleCryToo
There were many moments that we're heartbreaking, and I might have cried in a few.
But this one... Oh boy, this scene was a punch on my stomach.
"For you, Mara dearie."
#WeMustBeBrave Day 7: #TwiceTheTrouble
So, today is Double Trouble appreciation day and this is my favorite moment of them! Smooth Scorpia was an amazing performance, even though a bit ooc lol
#WeMustBeBrave Day 8: #FandomFriday
For the prompt of today - Forgiveness - I come to recommended this fanfic written by my friend @FoolishAmbi.
Hope y'all enjoy "Forgiveness has a Price" 😉 
I didn't do the last 2 days because my birthday + mother's day, so I'm gonna do 3 in a row (forgive me @spopsite )
Here we go
#WeMustBeBrave Day 9: #StreamingSaturday
Again I wasn't present since it was my birthday and I was throwing an web party lol.
So, here you are my favorite shots of the episodes:
S4E6: Princess Scorpia
S4E8: Boys Might Out
S4E13: Destiny Part 2
#WeMustBeBrave Day 10: #MemeRa
It took me too long to find this, hope you appreciate it. And the translation to what's said in the video is:
"Convicted Dyke
Futuristic lesbian
I won't let the jealousy bring me down"
#WeMustBeBrave Day 11: #SheRaVoices
It took me the whole day to finally complete this one, since I wanted to appreciate the Brazilian VAs, but also the original casting.
So, first, thank you @aimeecarrero @alyandaj @MarcusScribner @KarenFukuhara @lauren_ash 🥰
Your talent brought us so much joy, thank you so much for being not only great in your jobs, but also being so kind to the fandom. Specially @aimeecarrero for being our official catradora representative hahahahaa
E, mesmo que o elenco da dublagem no BR n tenha Twitter, vale enaltecer o trabalho deles também. As vozes da Serena e da Scorpia (Gabriela Bicalho e Angélica Borges) são minhas favoritas.
( @GuilhermeBriggs passa o recado e parabéns pelo trabalho!)
#WeMustBeBrave Day 12: #WhatSheRaMeansToMe
This was a difficult task, even though I thought it'd be easier. But it was wholeheartedly 💞
#WeMustBeBrave Day 13: #ThankUCrewRa
We're all grateful for this amazing show you've done. Congratulations for your hard work, it was worth it.
Thank you a lot! 💞
#WeMustBeBrave Day 14:
Well, finally we achieved the last day. And all my gratitude was shown in previous tweets.
But still, #ThankUNoelle for doing this show and having the courage to tell this story. I am looking forward to all your next projects, for sure.
Thank you so much!
And now I'm officially closing this thread. Thank you for these last two weeks @spopsite
This challenge really helped me to keep occupied until the launch of the last season!
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