[Day 1] Shared by a high school friend, along with a Hunter Hayes' song and I didn't really like Ed back then 😅 but then I heard his voice in Everything Has Changed and I fell in love https://open.spotify.com/track/1XpYodsD36XN7ygcdF7mJJ?si=2JFeCVkbT_yHoa9x0zznjA https://twitter.com/coldcoffeeh/status/1255783850174799873
[Day 2] This song is clearly out of his usual genre, and I'd really like to see how it would be when performed live. Complete with Chris Stapleton and Bruno Mars please. https://open.spotify.com/track/7hvO2qCwJVZxiyoA7c9i5d?si=NE2HAB92TTarOBjYTQrHbw
[Day 3] Autumn Leaves. For me it's calming and peaceful with the guitar's acoustic.
[Day 4] The City. I got hooked by the rhythm, and the lyric tells an interesting story too.
[Day 5] I guess... all of them, really. Only I got a bit slow at the title but I'll definitely know the song from the intro.
[Day 6] Tbh I had to open this album to know what songs are in it 😅 and I ended up listening to some new songs. I only knew this and Sofa, and I like this one better. I like the easy melody and rhythm.
[Day 7] It's actually hard to pick just one, but I'll choose this one. It was calming and warm, and has lots of memories for me, especially when my dear friend was leaving school and we held a surprise farewell party. It was a tearful moment.
[Day 8] The song is happy, the lyric is also happy. It tells the story of his home and going home, his struggle of being far from home evident in songs before this.
[Day 9] I've only seen him live once at his tour, and this song was the best because I didn't expect him to sing it. It was also one of the songs he wrote that I've wanted to hear him sing.
[Day 10] There are many songs to drive to ofc, but I chose this one because the rhythm is upbeat and fun-listening.
[Day 11] Well I gotta say, I don't really like any of the songs in the album, because they're all rap songs and I don't like rap songs 🙁 Once again I had to listen to the whole album because I haven't listened to any of the songs, and I got new knowledge about the Little Lady.
[Day 12] There are so many of his songs with meaningful lyrics! It was hard to choose just one, but then my choice fall on this first song which lyrics I really like, that I made a typography of it back in high school.
[Day 13] I was gonna choose South of the Border because of the melody and rhythm, but then I chose this because the lyrics are more meaningful. It was one of my top 5 songs played in 2019.
[Day 14] I totally forgot the song, but there was this one song where we sang a part over and over and he controlled the volume of our singing, it felt amazing.
[Day 15] Fire Alarms. It's actually the only one I know in the album 😅
[Day 16] Photograph, for sure.
[Day 17] Supermarket Flowers. The melody and the lyrics are so mellow and heartfelt.
[Day 18] This song recently became my favorite because of the sweet story in the lyrics.
[Day 19] The rhythm, the nature of the song makes it just right to play this song loudly.
[Day 20] Without a doubt, Don't. Once planned to memorize all the lyrics. Might do it in the future.
[Day 21] The vibe of the song is like a warm spring in a grass field with hearts and flowers.
[Day 22] It's hard 😂 I had to look at the content and after eliminating some songs, was torn between this and Save Myself, but in the end I chose this because of the warm feelings 🥰
[Day 23] I don't know actually... But when I read the word summer, this song popped on my mind with the lyrics "barefoot on the grass" so maybe this is the closest to what reminds me to summer.
[Day 24] I've never listened to any mashup... I'm a fan of the originals.
[Day 25] I don't listen much to Ed's songs covered by others, but when I searched my memory I remember this one, of the very few that I remember.
[Day 26] This is the song that I relate to the most at the moment.
[Day 27] I don't quite understand the meaning of guitar loop songs...
[Day 28] Because Put It All On Me has appeared twice on this thread 😅 Besides the rhythm and melody, I like how the lyrics describe the man and the woman. Also the MV introduced me to the handsome @paulkarmiryan
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