ALright, I should have created this thread a while ago, but here it is! Star Twinkle Pre Cure! I'll be using the hashtag #KotWN_StarTwinkle, hopefully people enjoy the ride. I'll be starting with episode 14, but maybe I'll go back and add some screenshots from previous episodes
Also, I may not share my every thought, since we are discussing PreCure for a bonus episode. But some of these are too good to pass up. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I think Elena's Dad might be a D, folks. He's got a treasure and he's got his smiles. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Who is this mysterious woman? #KotWN_StarTwinkle
episode 15- this is the sort of wacky hijinks that thrives in Toku and PreCure. An auction for the item the team needs and they decide to use donuts as their space currency? Featured below is another adorable Lala #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Shoutout to the Star Princesses having unique designs that are all gorgeous. It's a bit of a shame they've all been white washed so far, but I haven't met them all, so maybe there is a little more diversity. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Of course I loved the Blue Cat Space Thief immediately, are you kidding? I wonder how long her arc will go on before she becomes team Twinkle... saying that out loud it sounds pretty silly. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episode 17. Still mid-episode, but I just had to share this really quick.

Weird Frakking dog you got there, Drams. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
This was another great episode. Elena and Hikaru really came through to almost immediately begin seeing through Blue Cat's facade. They want to protect her smile, and ultimately that will be what wins her over, probably. Or maybe it'll come down to Puruns. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
In the end, Drams is a bigger dick than he's first made out to be, but he's not so evil that he might not be a good gag character for later episodes. I also appreciate that the girls solved problems without using the power of PreCure transformations. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Lastly, some screen shots. Not much to say except more cute designs, more great laughs. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episode 18- oh good! And episode about the family of one of the PreCures. We technically had this with Elena's brother, but... I guess I just appreciated this episode more, since it centers around essentially an adult woman with the attitudes of a preCure #KotWN_StarTwinkle
The two moods of the artist, honestly. And I enjoy that we see both sides of Terumi. SOmetimes even the most confident of people can feel like they're stuck, or need help. She seems like a great mom, but not weirdly perfect. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
The Elena and Madoka shipping intensifies. I seriously cannot see these two interact without my brain going "yeah they are probably best friends well after the season ends and into adulthood." Also this is the second time Elena has been cast in a male role. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I also think it's cool that the mom is super interested in sci fi and fantasy, and doesn't like romance manga. There's nothing wrong with women enjoying "girly" things, but a woman depicted as liking geeky stuff without just being 100% Geek is nice. I like it. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Finally, just some miscellaneous screen shots of funny moments and adorable expressions. Gosh I love this show. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episode 19 is my favorite episode so far. They set up a particular character for a pretty obvious reveal. Okay, no worries if it isn't that deep. But then- oh, there were two twists, and I'm ashamed I missed the second one coming. It was pretty clever #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Obviously I have to catalog the new Fuwa form and Princess. Princess? Princesses? Is that.... one being? She talks in two voices, but... hmmm. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
And although I love this season I do feel PreCure and other Saturday morning shows are a little less interesting when everything has to be wrapped up in 1 30 minute episode, and I appreciate that Blue Cat's story spans multiple episodes. Excited for the next ep #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episode 20- my thoughts on the episode in a bit, but first, may this sleeping Fuwa cleanse your timeline #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episode 20- I'd be lying if I didn't already know this was coming. They telegraphed the fifth Cure pretty hard, and these shows do follow a formula. That aside though, AHHHHHH!!! I LOVE HER DESIGN!!! I LOVE HER TRANSFORMATION!!! Yessssss!!! #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I don't actually have much more to say, I kinda don't want to post specific information about what happened so as not to spoil it for someone who may go through the series themselves. This was a great shot, May have to photoshop Kalifa in place of Soliel. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
At the heart of this episode, it was all about why the PreCures exist in-universe. Even if someone doesn't think they will be protected, the Cures will fight for them. Blue Cat had been having a really rough time, mistreated people, and yet they still helped. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I also find it interesting that Ayewan is so bent out of shape by feeling betrayed- she's on the team of universe-wide rule and destruction, so like.... fair's fair, cyclops woman. Also I am digging her Notrigger form. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I've missed a few episodes in the thread- for some of them I had very little to say. I did love that Hikaru's dad is almost exactly like her. Her parents are awesome. This was episode 22 #KotWN_StarTwinkle
episode 23 was hilarious hijinks! Please enjoy these out-of-context pictures of their adventures. I'm sensing a theme with Uni's stubbornness and I-will-do-it-alone-ness. Overfall, this was pure fluff and I loved it. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episode 24- a winter themed episode! Sorta! I think it's actually the summer back on earth, but we met this cool snowman, whose name is Yukio (get it? Because Yuki is Japanese for snow). I wish I had this guy's confidence. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
You gotta take a picture of each and every one of the Star Princesses. That's the rule, man. I think they killed the last guy who missed just one of the 12 photo ops. This is probably Fuwa's best look yet. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episode 25! This one's the big one! I feel like they were treating this as the halfway point for the season (which it was, with 49 total). But I mean, they had a Star Festival, they had the girls in Yukatas, they had a new special attack, the music was hype. đź’Ż #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I can't believe that in a season with 5 PreCures, 3 of them are Best Girl. But Gosh do I love their expressions. We see Uni coming out of her shell a bit. We see her openly fed up, we see her surprised, and grumpy! Pick your cat girl. I'm bottom left #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I also gotta post these, since I don't give Madoka enough love. Being that she's the most reserved, it makes sense. But it makes those moments when she is funny all the better. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episode 26- oh, it's a light hearted pajama party episode. Heck yes I'm all for it. We find out Madoka enjoys Toku, whereas Lala wants cutting edge special effects. We find out Elena can't handle scary movies, and this group is Hikaru's first friends. Amazing #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I didn't get a screen of it, but the fact that the spaceship drifts into the light as Hikaru is talking about how great friends are? *chef's kiss* and they're working in teams in space, strengthening themselves in a challenging environment. Heeeeck yes. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
An Alien reference, in my PreCure? Sure! #KotWN_StarTwinkle
And, of course, more Uni appreciation. She was added to the opening! (I was kind of hoping for a new opening, but maybe once they get the last 2 Star Princess Pens), plus, of course, a napping cat always drives clicks on social media ;)
Episode 27- shout out to Hikaru who didn't immediately think "I want to be a cute mermaid" but instead imagined herself as a creature from the lagoon. Young boys can like cute things, and young girls can like not cute things (bugs, ghosts, cryptids, whatever) #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Of course, I'm sure there are plenty of young girls that want to be mermaids, and this episode doesn't disappoint! They look fabulous. However, if I had a transforpearl I would probably become a dragon, just saying. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
They've really, really wanted to hammer down the fact that Uni feels like she doesn't belong. This is... the 5th episode of the last 6 where it's been referenced or the emotional climax of the episode. But it does directly conflict with Ayewan, who is selfish #KotWN_StarTwinkle
And what a return! Ayewan's lost her place among the Notraiders (or so we've been told. I would have loved to see it on screen), and now her darkness is growing. Maybe they'll need to give her a heart to heart before she becomes something sinister. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Look, if you've done something to be attacked by a PreCure's ultimate attack, you probably messed up.

But if you're on the receiving end of all 5 of them using their Star Princess Augmented Ultimate Attacks all at once... You have irrevokably messed up. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
I've missed a couple of episodes- I guess I'm just not programmed for threads. Anyways, here's Fuwa Screaming, because it's pretty cute (and don't worry, it's not a scream of pain, it's excitement) #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Please enjoy this picture I've simply saved as "Yatta!" I love that Uni is on a different wavelength with her expression #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Last silly pic before I get into more analysis, have 2 different group shots of surprise and shock. #KotWN_StarTwinkle
Episodes 31 and 32 hit hard. They decided to kick it up to 11, and honestly this is just reminding me that this journey will soon come to a close. Galogre/Garuouga (I've seen it spelled both ways) has decided to fight, and gosh, is he strong! The PreCures almost weren't enough!
Thankfully though, we have the power of our feelings, and our friends who support us. This really could almost match up with some of the best shonen fights (Choreography and animation is still a bit basic). #KotWN_StarTwinkle
And the reward for saving the 12th pens and unlocking the Shiny Twinkle Pen? Fuwa evolved into her second form! She's definitely very cute!
Anyways, the real reason I wanted to update this thread is to ask:

How is she holding that spoon?!?!
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