"""Army has opened fire on the peaceful PTM protesters""

At the very start of the article Hurmat try's to paint army as "bad" and PTM as "peaceful protesters" so as to put in readers mind from the start that army is the bad guy.
But were they really "peaceful protesters"?
(1/N) https://twitter.com/nidkirm/status/1255247571804659715
No, the army captured two suspected terrorists and took them to Kharaqamar check post. PTM leaders (Mohsin and Wazir) hearing of their missing persons being captured gathered their supporters and Wazir radicalized and incited them against the army and than led them towards
the check post. Breaking in from first safety measure around the post, they reached the check post and Ali Wazir can be seen inciting the army soldiers who appears to be very calm in front of this angry mob.
After this one of the members from this mob fired on the check post (probably the guards of Wazir) and the army opened fire in reaction. In this incident, 3 PTM supporters were killed and 10 injured where as 5 army soldiers were wounded.
The question here is, if the mob was unarmed as dawar claimed, how did 5 soldiers get injured? They can't be stupid to start shooting each other?
Another question is, if as the author claims, PTM is supposed to be for democracy,
why did they choose to charge the check post themselves rather than going for democratic measures?
The answer is very straight and simple, they don't give a horse shit about democracy.
""""the defining features of Pashtun nationalism are provincial autonomy, right to and recognition of language and culture and a fair share in the distribution of resources.""""""

Provincial autonomy? Have their been non Pashtoon ruling KPK until now?
Out of 22 CM's of KPK, only two were non Pashtoons. 1- Mehtab Abbas(Punjabi), 2-Abdul Qayyum khan ( Kashmiri)
And what about 18th amendment? Subaai khudmukhtari? Does it not apply to KPK? What more autonomy do they want? Or their autonomy mean army leaving kpk and ptm ruling it?
Regarding distribution of resources, I think it's being done under NFC and guess who was unwilling to share with ex-fata? It's PTM's very own sympathizer and the "best" provincial government PPP.
Also the Budget 2019-20 reserved PKR 152 bn for ex-FATA.
Here is some of the development projects done by the army in ex-FATA region.

How about the elected members of PTM now tell us how much work have they done until now for their constituencies apart from spreading racism and anti army slogans.
(10/N) https://twitter.com/zubairktk87/status/1210978385687711746?s=19
""Progressive" National Awami Party's (NAP),"""

That progressive party which had been planning for Independence of Balochistan and NWFP(now KPK) and the same party which was barred from politics when the Supreme Court deciding on Hyderabad conspiracy case upheld the...
the finding of President Bhutto that the NAP was conspiring against the state of Pakistan, also known as "London conspiracy"?

And yet the author here is proudly claiming that PTM is the next NAP. You are just proving us right in our claim that PTM is anti-Pakistan.
"""Due to the war on Pashtun lands and the racist structure of the state"""

This is the same argument used by Pashteen when he targeted Pakistan's constitution by calling it racist towards Pashtoon and is pro Punjabi.
I guess the racist structure of the state is not working properly if so many Pashtoon can climb up to these high positions?
Here is another one, clearly the racist structure of the state is showing, they have turned majority Pashtoon's into a minority. How shameful
(15/N) https://twitter.com/BhittaniKhannnn/status/1221770245209235456?s=19
"""its message finds resonance across the whole Pashtun community"""

Yeah lol, we saw how much resonance does it find in the 2018 elections.
"""simultaneously of belonging to a country through the instrument of the constitution""

Are you referring to the very constitution that is supposed to be suppressing the minority ethnic groups? Manzoor Pashteen does not agree with you. He does not like the constitution.
"""their lands are treated as arenas of war and their people are deployed to fight proxy wars of the state"""

Hurmat sab seems ignorant of the history of tribal regions. When were those land's ever "war free" that *Pakistan* had to treat their lands as arena of war?
How is this Pakistan's fault that tribal areas border with Afghanistan, a country that STARTED proxy warfare in these areas from the very birth of Pakistan? What did you expect Pakistan to do, fight them from Islamabad or Thatta?
Of course ex-fata would become the battle ground.
And yet PTM is in bed with the very country(Afghanistan) that is responsible for the proxy wars on their lands.
"""Their program is not only non-violent, it is also anti-violence and anti-war"""

The PTM member Afraisab Khattak was active member of terrorist group Pashtoon zalmai working against Pakistan supported by Afghanistan.
(21/N) https://twitter.com/umar8528/status/1198158376229908480?s=19
And the of ptm ghoons on the Kharaqamar check post has already been explained above.
Here we can see Ali Wazir threatening to kill the soldiers with the same wire's that are being used to fence borders with Afghanistan.
(23/N) https://twitter.com/JadoonPk/status/1216693537179406337?s=19
And anti-war?
Hello,,,,Mohsin Dawar? Does this name ring anything in your mind?
Let me help you.
Here is the anti-war and the brother of Nelson Mandela opposing drone attacks in "their lands" Mr.Mohsin Dawar.
Ali wazir aka Nelson Mandela speaking to his followers about "peacefully" killing our soldiers
(25/N) https://twitter.com/BhittaniKhannnn/status/985144628851675137?s=19
This shows fatalities across Pakistan because of terrorism. PTM is not the only one who have suffered which should justify their anti-Pak, anti-army rhetoric.
(26/N) https://twitter.com/ChupShaa/status/1234788271504445443?s=19
PTM Promoting hate:

A PTM MPA installing hatred for the father of Pakistan and our national poet Allama Iqbal.
(27/N) https://twitter.com/DiaryWaziristan/status/1219181866005270528?s=19
Here is another one from the leader (not anymore I guess since it as been hijacked by Mosin and co) can be hard saying
"We don't want are children to go crazy by teaching them about Jinnah and Iqbal".
Here Manzoor Pashteen write's an opinion article for nytimes and look at the title, "The Military Says Pashtuns Are Traitors. We Just Want Our Rights". Shamefully Accusing army of calling all pashtun traitors. Inciting hatred for army in pashtuns
(29/N) https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/11/opinion/pashtun-protests-pakistan.html
Ptm Promoting hate:

Accusing Pakistan army for carrying out the APS attack, Read this thread and tell me why? Why? Would army do this to itself? Your hatred for army has so blind
Their was a video of Pashteen doing the same, I couldn't find it.
(30/N) https://twitter.com/WuzgarX/status/995711427007655936?s=19
PTM endorsing terrorists:

PTM representatives attending the funeral procession of the slain terrorists in boya.
PTM members have attended many funerals of terrorist's like this just because of their hate for the army.
(31/N) https://twitter.com/DiaryWaziristan/status/1204509964217323522?s=19
Manzoor Pashteen visited the house of the killed terrorists in hayatabad operation.
And their have been many similar these incidents where PTM is seen sympathizing with terrorists killed by the army. Yet you would never see them condemning the targeting of our forces by terrorist
Threatening disintegration of state:

Here is Manzoor Pashteen openly expressing his desire for a "perfect" nation for Pashtoons
These are some of the "peaceful" views of Manzoor Pashteen and his fellow supporter. Bechara sirf mulk he to torna chahta hai, is may kn se bari bat hai, hain na?
And here we see our bechara Pashteen holding a pashtunistan flag. If despite knowing about the history of Pakistan with Afghanistan and the pashtunistan proxy, he is still holding this flag, what msg is he trying to give?
How PTM makes itself relevant when it sees that tiny tiny attention that it was getting is in danger:
(36/N) https://twitter.com/PaasoonOfficial/status/1193124590731636736?s=19

corruption of Mosin and the MPA from wazirstan.
(37/N) https://twitter.com/ConceptTvUrdu/status/1255470775991185411?s=19
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