If you think the Democrats are good people, then you need to sit down and think for a moment.
The Democrats have control of an entire Chamber of Congress. Do you understand what this means? It means that the Democrats, under Nancy Pelosi's leadership, have the ability to stonewall every single bill that Trump or Republicans propose.
They can stonewall them and make sure that Trump's legislative agenda and ultimately his goals never become a reality.

Do you want to know what the Democrats, under Nancy Pelosi's Leadership decided to do?
They decided to vote for bills that allowed for arguably 70% of Trump's legislative agenda to pass.

You read that correct folks. The Democrats allowed for most of Trump's legislative agenda to pass.
Here are all the denocrats that voted for Donald Trump's bill. Warning, there's a lot of them that voted in SUPPORT of Donald Trump.

[ http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2019/roll672.xml
In fact, 188 denocrats voted in SUPPORT of Donald Trump's bill, and only 41 voted against it, but please, tell me to go vote blue no matter who. 🤣🤣🤣

2. The Democrats voted to increase Donald Trump's surveillance powers
This amendment was introduced into the house in order to end the near limitless spying powers that the now Donald Trump controlled NSA has.

You know what the denocrats did?
Instead of voting for this amendment in order to END the near limitless spying powers that the now Trump controlled NSA has, they vote AGAINST IT! Meaning the Democrats SHOT DOWN an amendment that would end Trump's limitless spying powers.
Here are all the Democratic who shot down this amendment to stop Trump's spying powers.

[ http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2019/roll345.xml ]

But please tell me to #VoTebLuEnOmATtERWhO in order to "DEFEAT THE EVIL PUTIN PUPPET DONALD TRUMP (who the Democrats keep enabling)".

3. Fun fact, this wasn't the first time they voted too maintain Trump's limitless spying powers. In fact, they did it TWICE.
They did it when they had control of the house in late 2019. They also did it when they didn't have control of the house.
7. Democrats voted for Trump's trade deal

[ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/19/us/politics/trump-trade-deal.html ]

If there's more bills that she Democrats caved on, then let me know.

What should you take from this? The Democrats are not resisting Trump.

In fact they allowed for a great deal of his agenda to pass.
Edit No. 2

Here are all the Democrats who voted for Trump's Military Budget
Edit No. 3

Here are all the Denocrats who shot down the Amendment that would end Trump's limitless spying powers
Site for where you can see who voted for each bill: http://Clerk.House.gov 
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