*Atheist HAVE a Burden of Proof. Don't let them tell you otherwise.*

Don't allow atheists in debates to say they do not have a BoP. It is epistemologically unsound and untenable for an atheist to claim they have a rational position, but unjustified.
A Burden of Proof in epistemology is known as a Burden of Justification. Justification is what makes one's beliefs or positions rational. Atheists who retreat to weak atheism (merely lacking a belief) still have a BoP as why they failed to accept or reject the claim.
Any atheist who claims they have no Burden of Proof is merely parroting atheist activist groups who have been dishonestly trying to shirk their burdens by telling atheists prescriptively that they do not have one.
Next time an atheist tries that, have them try to cite any academic or epistemological standing that allows them to hold any position (even if mere non-acceptance) as rational with out a burden of proof (justification).
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