The world should’ve listened to @WHO, you say? About which point?

No human-to-human transmission?

A thread with some more guesses, because @WHO certainly said some things, just not sure any are worth believing.
Or maybe about you had meant China’s commitment to transparency? Is that a valuable insight from @WHO? @anticorruption seems to disagree. 
Or for sharing information? Something that, as @WSJ has reported, took precious days as the virus spread across the globe?
Or the idea that China has reduced the number of #coronavirus deaths? Which @axios also debunked? Is that what you mean @DrTedros?
Maybe you mean that a travel ban isn’t necessary? That advice? Given global travel has shut down, I would imagine a few people disagree with you there.
Perhaps the Chinese propaganda talking point that we shouldn’t refer to the disease based on where it’s from? Is that what you mean, @WHO?
Or maybe you just mean the Belt and Road Initiative is wonderful? I’m sure more of that would’ve helped achieve #HealthforAll
I’m sure you’ve got a concert or something to plan but would love to know which of the above advice is still worth believing @WHO & @DrTedros.
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