There's something that's been bugging me lately that I need to get off my chest...(THREAD)
In Friday the 13th 2, there's this gangly dork who seems 100% destined for a grisly death. Then 2/3 of the way through the movie he decides to stay at a bar when everyone else leaves and

A. never dies
B. never appears again
Was he ever intended to die? Or return later in the movie? Did the actor have to leave the production for a family emergency?

I need answers
Look I've only watched 4 of these movies so far but I've looked at the actor's filmography and he never returns to the series. Seems like a huge missed opportunity
If this series gets rebooted and continues the story of the original series, this seems exactly like the kind of loose thread to get tied up in our current nostalgia and continuity-obsessed culture
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