the thing I have learned as I continue to age about women in transformative fandom, specifically white women, is that a lot of y'all are uh....fucking liars lmao. let me explain.
white women in fandom, y'all have your own uh...spectrums of oppression to deal with. I certainly won't deny you that truth. but the way y'all twist the ways of the world to try and continue to make yourselves the most oppressed in fandom spaces is tired.
like the current example now is how women in the star wars fandom are twisting something john boyega said to make themselves out into the victim. that he said they can't enjoy fandom and shipping anymore once they get old :( poor them, these defenseless women :((
the reality of it all is that you're just lying. like you always do. because white women in fandom want everything to revolve around their wants, and their needs, 'cause it's all about making women feel good and if you say anything against it then, well. you're not a woman at all
sorry to tell you white women but you're not the most oppressed person in the room anymore! when it comes to the culture of transformative fandom, crying poor old you all the time doesn't fly with the rest of us 'cause y'all are the ones that have all the power here.
of course y'all know that. of course you do. that's the only way you've been able to get away with telling such huge lies for so long lmao!! I'm so tired of you, and this death grip you have on how fandom goes. because y'all still think you really have the worst of it.
and it's not to discount the actual conversations about ageism and misogyny that still occur in fandom spaces. but y'all need to fucking relax and stop making fandom such a huge fucking part of your identity so you can quit acting attacked all the goddamn time.
so, hm. stop lying, white women in fandom. you're not as oppressed as you think you are. learn to like things a normal amount like the rest of us 'cause then you wouldn't feel so attacked when john says something like 'I don't ship anything I'm 28'.
and this is why my senior sem is probably going to be research about white women in fandom and why the power that they hold over fandom is its own special type of oppression.
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