(this does contain profanity and language that doesn't soind like it came from me but this is how I can be as transparent as possible)
So just a while ago I played mc with my friends until some guy joined out server(sery sry i think was the name) and decided to destroy all the
progress my group made. Now i know its just a game and it doesnt really matter in the grand sceme of things but for this inconsiderate prick, are you proud of yourself? Are you happy that you destroyed the fun of others just for a quick laugh. This goes beyond just games because
if you find the demise of others fun you can go fuck yourself or learn to change cuz that attitude and gonna cut it in the real world. THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU. I'm normally a pretty chill guy who doesn't let these things easily affect me but the disrespect you have
for others and the audacity you have to even share it to other people so you guys can continue to torment the world, honestly that mindset of no one matters in this world except me infuriates me. If you manage to see this thread and feel bad then good because at least you learned
something useful in your life rather than learning how to fuck with others but if you don't feel bad at all from this, all I will say is fuck off. Don't ruin what others enjoy just because you think it's funny, be considerate and think if that happened to you.
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