Rating game/quiz shows : a thread
Pointless is the show you watch when The Chase isnā€™t on. Prize Money is awful for what the contestants have to do. That big tall fella is funny sometimes.
Score 5/10
Tipping point is a piss poor rip off of the 2p machines at the amusements. Ben Shepherd has the personality of plain ham sandwich and what the fuck is LATERAL MOVEMENT fuck off, shite Score 2/10
Eggheads is shite. Every time itā€™s on your da will tell you about the the fact the one of them killed a man. Would happily sacrifice it to have The Weakest link back.
Score 2/10
Anne Robinson gives off English Teacher vibes. The BBC have blood on their hands for cancelling The Weakest Link. Elite tv show.
Score 8/10
Countdown is criminally underrated. The king of daytime TV. Susie Dent is definitely that cunt that had colour coded notes after saying she hasnā€™t revised for a test and Rachel Riley is a raging Tory.
Score 7/10
Golden Balls really was the Wild West. A proper cut throat gameshow. If I was on it Iā€™d definitely steal. Jasper Carott gave off paedo vibes, definitely check his hard drive.
Score 7/10
Tenable is fucking brilliant. Donā€™t care what anyone says itā€™s an elite game show. Warwick Davis is a wee bit of a fruit sometimes but he sound.
Score 9/10
Who wants be a millionaire is the Las Vegas of game shows. Decent show and Jeremy Clarkson is definitely the best presenter for it.
Score 7/10
The chase is the undisputed GOAT of gameshows. Bradley Walsh for pope. However, the vixen or whatever you call her is a complete melter.
Score 10/10
Tea, toast and Deal or no deal name a more iconic trio. Always wanted to rip the seal off one of them boxes, looks deadly satisfying. Rumour has it the banker is Mr Blobby.
Score 8/10
The million pound drop was alright but the 100k drop is awful. Davina McCall would do your head in. Thereā€™s something satisfying about watching someoneā€™s money fall through a trap door and the sound effect it makes too was class. Poor show.
Score 4/10
EnD oF tHrEaD.. gOoDbYe
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