Happy anniversary enstars I will never forget all the blood sweat and tears I've she'd because of this 1 man

Here's a thread of it
14 October 2019

It's when the ex-fine album lims revival came out. I saved for 2 whole months after my birthday. I managed to scrape 5 pulls on the day itself.

This was my 5th pull.
And then I got sad for the entire day but then went "no hiyori wouldn't want this for me I'll try to grind another pull" and so I spent the next day and a half grinding for this wrinkling cabbage.
15 October

I had a study session with a friend on that day at McDonald's. So I asked them to press the scout 10 button for me on Bibliophilia Tsumugi's box because I wanted that card (I still do) and he came home.

Oh my god I physically cried. in McDonald's then.
takeaway for this struggling hiyoriP thread

Don't even whale for him. not even once. he takes your money and then goes:

"iiiiiiii ɪɪɪɪɪɪ iiiɪɪɪɪ
HiyoooOooOᴏᴏ ᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏ ᴏᴏᴏʀɪɪɪɪ iiiɪɪɪɪ




but I still love him anyway
kero peak was crying at McDonald's when she saw ex-fine hiyori chibi and then the other person goes "shhhhhhh stop stop we're public"
7 February 2020

Everybody on live watched as I bought the 360 dias pack.

He took 6 pulls again I hate that he's consistent because I need to save up 2.1k dias now for him only.

but he came home anyway it's not a complete loss
whoever was in that live say hi in this thread
30 December 2019

spent 5.5k yen on the 360 dias pack just to get this man on the 4th pull. it isn't that bad compared to my other scouts.

this is my favorite hiyori card
10 january 2020

this one was wild from start to finish because it was hard tiering for this specific man. like he's the most popular in eden. he has the highest solo live borders. jfc imagine if he actually gets a rank card

62nd is not bad though I'm still proud of it
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