I get so igoigo at people who are ashamed of the work their parents do esp if it’s something like maintenance/factory work. I can guarantee these parents don’t want their kids working these jobs & tell em to do well in school so they don’t have to do the same work as em.
Children of immigrants don’t need to look down on it. Your parents already think it’s beneath you but they do it bc it’s what they can in countries where English among other things is a big factor in their employability but they are here & worked those jobs to open doors FOR YOU.
Also, if you’re one of these kids, just know this: Your parents sent you to school so you can learn to make a better life for you and your kids, not for you to learn to be ashamed of or look down on theirs. Kalofae i le olaga.
That said of course there are some parents who want their kids to get money now vs. later but this thread ain’t about them 😂
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