I want to talk about class signaling. When I wrote this retweet, rather than talking about my love for travel, or say, missing my trips to NY, I talked about my 'jet setting lifestyle.' Instead of being authentic, I tried to project an image of myself. https://twitter.com/Mara_E_Blake/status/1253794656581816321
Yes, Twitter is partially a marketing platform for me. But as I engage with you all more authentically, I want to use my tweets to practice and share my values. And one of my values is not using class signaling to gain social standing.
As I work on this sort of behavior in my personal life, I find it all too easy to engage in it on Twitter. Why is that?
Well, certainly a handful of insecurities and imposter syndrome. But I think my motivation is bigger than that.

As a companion, I want long dates. Not because I want lots of money (though that's true) or to go on adventures (though that's also true).
It's mainly because my goal as a companion is to develop meaningful, long-term relationships that soothe, heal, and empower my clients.
One of the main models of signaling this sort of spawling, adventurous relationship in SW marketing is class signaling.

And personally, I don't want to participate in it anymore.
So I'm calling myself out, and making a commitment. While I may have an authentic affinity for things that code as high-class, I commit to talking about them from my personal experience, rather than trying to project an image of myself.
You can follow @Mara_E_Blake.
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