Neat dream last night! If a deceased person makes a pin just for you with your name on it in the language of thr dead, you can shift into the lands of the dead and interact with them.
In this dream, families are nations and they are *really* committed to their living family members accumulating objects of great spiritual value, because they have real power over there.
After my ancestors explained this to me and asked what I will contribute to the family's vaults, I replied: "I can call a dragon to do our bidding. How's that?"
Before they could answer, the alarm went off and I woke up đŸ˜«
This is what I remember my name looking like in the language of the dead. Reminds me alot of an Yijing hexagram. I think there was also a vertical line but I don't remember its placement.
Also: The reason I found out about the pin is because a young girl saw the ghost of her grandma and was upset because she was told nana died. So the grandma made her girl a pin so she could visit. She made me one when she noticed I noticed what was going on (to keep me quiet).
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