new pinned i think about this post often
like!! he is!!!
i’ll never forget colin telling link he wanted to be just like him because i played the game when i was a little bit younger than colin and that was me too!!!! i admired link so much and i still do!!! it really stuck with me
that scene was also a wonderful display of how truly selfless link is y’know? he went to go save colin without a second thought even though he had MUCH bigger things to deal with at the time and for what? there was no real reward other than getting colin back safely but he still
did it nonetheless and that’s what i love the most abt him tbh
not only colin but ralis and ilia too!!! AND all of hyrule!!!!! and he wasn’t required to do any of this he could’ve just sat in ordon and sulked like everybody else but he just!! went out there and put himself in so much danger because it was the right thing to do
and then like ??? ocarina of time link is a whole new can of worms bc not only did he risk his life at age TEN for hyrule he did it for termina too!!! and god termina was absolutely TERRIFYING and nothing a ten year old child should have to live through but he still did and got
NOTHING for it. nothing for saving hyrule and nothing for saving termina because no one remembered. he d!ed as just another random soldier and like,,, he went through so so so much for his people and then decided to train TP!Link to be a good hero for HIS people and live the
life as a hero that OoT!Link never got to and I justtt huhrhgghh

this thread probably makes no sense but i am feeling things rn
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