This thread is on the hypocrisy of Indian main stream media irrespective of its leaning

What happened to #ArnabGoswami is highly deplorable and no person should be attacked for airing his views

Having said this, let me to show double standards of @republic on @SriNithyananda
Arnab: It is absolutely unethical to take a 30 second clipping put of 100 hours of programming and misrepresent & vilify....

Arnab: this man is a child pronographer, child rapist, sex predator

@Srinithyananda has 2.5 petabytes of satsangs

How is this?
We had great faith in #Arnab brand of investigation & reporting, but to our collective horrors, even public material by the so called "victims" were ignored and complete hogwash was reported

How does it feel now Sir?

Check star victim Sarah's flip flop
There has been enough and more tweets exposing Sarah's grooming gang whose members openly put up sanysini's photographs and threatened to rape them

In the prime time slot that you gave her, did you ask her even one question on this?

#Interrogation hurts
Media star Janardhan Sharma, the man who came penniless to Swamiji with his family of 3 daughters and one son, lived a luxurious life, became Swamiji's PA, embezzled funds and then filed a POCSO case

#Arnab did you even bother to verify the other side?
#Arnab got threatened and within a couple of hours, got the goons identified & arrested, spoke out on who was the mastermind behind this and so on

Local branch of Karni sena. Local police. Police speak Gujarati, local speak Hindi

Odd only for me or....?
#Arnab going through 8 hours of interrogation and socmedia explodes

Here a young innocent girl is made to undergo such barbarity in the guise of interrogation

Made to watch lewd pictures and coerced

Folks, do watch this video. The one MSM will not show
People are free to follow or ignore @SriNithyananda in their personal capacities, not when it comes to MSM narrative

What happened to #Arnab is a regular affair, systemic persecution Hindu gurus in India

Time to stop. Time to support

Original tweet 👇
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