"Stonewalling is a refusal to participate in communication or connection in a relationship.

In its simplest form, it may be the silent treatment." #quote
"Stonewalling the term actually takes in a lot of territory

and it represents things and feelings that it brings up, like abandonment and a refusal to participate in the relationship." #quotes
"Now the most classical presentation of stonewalling is in fact the silent treatment,

which describes when you talk to a person and they literally do not respond,

you're talking to them and they do not respond,

that's the silent treatment." #quote
"Stonewalling however can take other forms it can manifest as a person who walks away when you are talking

or somebody who does not respond to a message an email or call repeatedly." #quote
"especially when it happens because they do not want to respond to the conversation

or the issue that's being discussed." #quote
"Understand stonewalling is not someone taking a moment before they respond

it's not someone just simply holding back on responding because they need a moment so they don't react and so that they can provide a response that's not hurtful,


that's not what stonewalling is"
"Stonewalling is unhealthy" #quote
"Stonewalling occurs when a person does not want to deal with the issue being discussed in the relationship at that time.

That issue may, for example, be emotionally evocative." #quote
"it may also require a person having to take responsibility for something and its something that's very uncomfortable,

the topic is something that's very uncomfortable for the stonewaller,

which is why they withhold communication

and basically shut things down." #quote
"Stonewalling can also take the form of someone saying,

I'm not going to talk about that.

I refuse to talk about that.

and if you bring it up, I am going to walk away.

so stop talking about it." #quote
"Stonewalling stops the conversation,

it effectively silences the other person or people in this exchange

and it results over time in issues never being
discussed or resolved

as well as sort of this kind of sense of censorship in the relationship." #quote
"Stonewalling is the ultimate form of manipulation

it can often result in so much discomfort that the other person just relents." #quote
"stonewalling has been considered by some to be a form of gaslighting

because it does cause you to doubt your reality and distorts your reality." #quote
"but ultimately stonewalling is a manipulation tactic, it is cruel

and it is a favorite tool of abusers who are
truly committed to avoiding responsibility." #quote
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