going inactive for a bit. i can understand wanting to have a rational conversation with me but telling me that i, or god forbid my future child, deserves/d abuse is crossing a line that goes beyond what is acceptable for fandom discourse and really quite disgusting.
i appreciate the people who have laid out rational arguments and provided evidence, but i hadn’t got several message requests along the lines above, i would be more willing to entertain. i have taken my original tweet down because shit has spun out of control.
to those in my replies from the original tweet. if you are going to make counterclaims, bring recipts. i am allowed to question alleged mistreatment if i cannot find evidence.
and telling me that i didn’t experience abuse bc it wasn’t bad enough is the exact same thing that you accused me of.
and to the EXO stans here in the replies to this tweet trying to proverbially “jump” me. i’m blocking you now and won’t see it once i go ia. i’ve said my piece. either you will listen to it or you won’t. and i’m not going to put recipts out because i don’t want to start more shit
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