Clearly, then, given the -30% GDP collapse, the correct price for stocks is where they were in Q419.

Alternatively, @federalreserve has destroyed free market, capitalism, social fairness, and all that was good and right in their rapid desire to see the 0.1% prosper even more.
This is pitchforks time.

The process is easy to grasp; (1) the Fed clicks a few keys and creates trillions of dollars which they use (2) to buy damaged assets from rich folks for more than they are actually worth this leads to (3) ...

... entities like Blackrock and mega banks to snap up things like mortgage backed securities representing the real housing assets of real people who, apparently, @federalreserve could not possibly care less about. These MBS are then sold back to the Fed at grossly marked up
prices making the Fed the largest landlord in America by far.
How did the Fed become the 'owner' of the most real estate in the land? Did they word extra hard? Take extra risks? Were they smarter or better than everyone else?
No. @federalreserve simply operates an electronic printing press, which they use to enable themselves and their favored bi entities to acquire all of the real productive assets of the land.
Next up: "they" buy up all the distressed farmland.
And factories. And distressed real estate.
At which point the little people finally wake up and say "hey, that's really unfair. We use our actual time, bodies, lives and labor to create value, y'all jusy clickety-clack on some keyboards and end up with everything?"
So keep going @federalreserve and you will guarantee a massive and unpleasant social backlash, which, truth be told, is both easily foreseeable and something I'd very much like to avoid, thankyouverymuch.
But, sadly, the greed of that crowd seems limitless.
/end rant
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