You know what a trigger warning does?

It primes you to feel terrible about what you're going to read.

It signals a desire to not feel bad instead of processing emotions in a healthy way.

It turns you into a brittle, fragile, ego-filled shell.
If a single exposure to 'upsetting content' alone can tip you over the edge, trigger an apoplectic meltdown, send you into a furious screaming rage demanding people to Stop Saying Bad Stuff, you don't need a trigger warning.

You need a mental health professional.
If people demand you not do or say something because it might trigger someone, they are not interested in protecting people.

Only in controlling behaviour.

And in turning people into fragile puppets treading softly on eggshells.
Don't run from emotions.

Don't hide from emotions.

No matter how big and scary and overwhelming they are, do not shield yourself from emotions.

You're just burying time bombs in your heart.

And they will keep rising to the surface, over and over, until you deal with them.
Your emotions are a part of you.

They do not define you.

They begin in your heart; they end in your heart.

When upset, angry, distressed, shocked, do not run from emotions.

Embrace them.

Acknowledge them.

Let them pass through you.

And only you remain.
Difficult? Esoteric? Woo-woo?

No. You do that every day.

What are you feeling now?

Is your present emotion the same type and intensity as how you felt a minute ago? An hour ago? A day, week, month, year?

Your heart is always in flux.
All you're doing is consciously working with your mind, body and heart.

Name the emotion.

Yield into it.

Let it fill you.

Let it go.

Do not hang on to it. Just observe it.

It will rise. Peak. Fall.

Breathe into it. Deeply and regularly.

A prescribed practice is to inhale for four counts, hold for four, exhale for four, hold for four.

The actual count doesn't matter. Keep it consistent.

Do it right, and you will feel your negative emotions disperse like your breath.
We don't need trigger warnings.

They aren't meant to protect people.

They're meant to twist them and control them.

Free yourself from the grip of stormy emotions, and you will become immovable.
Can words harm you?

Only if you want them to.

Can feelings harm you?

Only if you hang on to them.

Can you be free from triggers?

Only if you want to and put in the work.

You can follow @thebencheah.
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