Unlucky to be the first victims to fall under communism/globalism in the United States. https://twitter.com/chuckwoolery/status/1254610605199233026
2) Prior to now, we had victims of the events "leading up to" implementing the communist structure.

But now- with house arrests, closure of some religions but not the State-chosen one, some persons Essential and others not, health decisions made by the State, etc... we are in it
3) Some may say that the communist style of governing, in which all decisions are made for the collective over the individual, according to the State, is what this emergency needs. I see many applauding communism, in this instance, and wanting MORE of this style of governing.
4) Communism causes deaths of individuals, whose needs are unimportant to the State. The collective = the protected class at that particular time.
Those unlucky enough not to be part of that collective are at risk of misery, poverty, and death.
5) The virus scares people into thinking that a communist style solution is the only way to save people.

It is not.

Far from it.

There are very few times in life in which extreme control is the "only" way.
Very few.
And this isn't one of those times.
Not even close.
6) Funny how so many things were pre-planned and ready to roll out.

How long were they sitting on those spy drones, lickin' their chops, rubbing their hands with glee- so excited to launch them to blare "Social Distancing" propaganda at innocent civilians committing no crimes?
8) Anyone familiar with the snail speed of government and the chaos of private marketing teams, as well as the IT headaches for managing websites, knows that campaigns/projects don't launch themselves quickly.
All of these "responses" were already in the can.
Ready to roll out.
9) Fear of communicable disease is not justification for betraying our sovereign nation and our fellow citizens by complying with communism, globalism, corruption, and totalitarism.
They have killed our people- prioritized surgeries based on their pet project, letting others die,
10) They have hurt our people. They have left us jobless, hungry, and without toilet paper.
They have frightened our people- and that's the part that is the most unforgivable.
The stress and anxiety is killing people, slowly or quickly.
Communism kills.
11) It is our responsibility to work hard to be healthy and strong in mind, body, and spirit- as we are needed.
We must not comply with rules that do not make sense and infringe upon our Constitutional Rights.
Compliance with communist demands = consent.
Consent = betrayal.
12) In the event I lose my account,
find me on my website.

Stay strong.
Be healthy.
God bless you.

/end thread/
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