If you continually have to tell people how great you are, you are a loser.

If you continually blame other people for the consequences of your actions, you are a loser.

If you continually blame negative reactions to your statements on your audience’s inability to understand...
...sarcasm, you are a loser.

If you continually require fawning praise from your subordinates, you are a loser.

If you have to continually belittle people who ask you questions about your reasoning, you are a loser.

If you continually demean women who are smarter than you...
...you are a loser.

So, what am I missing (add to the list).

Anybody else seeing a trend?
You can follow @BewareTheTattoo.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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