Libs and lefties who love to talk about “successful Blue States bailing out slacking Red States” would squeal if they had to stand by this take after we drill down on who in these red states actually gets federal govt assistance and who in the blue states is doing the tax paying
Blue states economic engine (hence tax receipts) is based on things lefties constantly bitch about: finance, big corps, global trade of cheap shit made in undeveloped world, 1%ers, all of which exacerbates state/national inequality

But here they are just simply BLUE (read: left)
Red states are the home of overwhelming majority of black Americans and a good chunk of Nth generation hispanic immigrants who for various historical reasons, that the left loves to underline, are more in need of govt assistance.

But here they are simply RED (read:rightwingers)
It’s just hilarious to me how these things are constantly talked about yet never put together, so this keeps coming up under the framing of “lol dumb rednecks and hillbillies” and “slacker welfare states” - by lefties. 🤦🏻‍♂️
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