A thread...
We are all currently facing so many hardships in life. More often than not, thoughts like how this is the vengeance of The Lord for all of our wrongdoings and the like cross our minds. But let me tell you this, God never wanted us to suffer; He has His plans ++
++and we must surrender everything to Him. Let us keep in mind that He knows what He is doing. Unfortunately, He had to take home some of His angels. Not because He wants those whom those angels left to grieve but maybe because their missions are already done ++
++ and they now deserve to rest peacefully in His kingdom. As for us, who are still living, may this situation open our eyes that every waking day should be considered as a gift; a blessing. May we never take each day for granted and may we be a blessing to others. ++
++ Some of us are fortunate to be able to eat three or more times a day amidst this pandemic but we must keep in mind that there are far more people who are underprivileged and it is our duty, as children of The Lord, to help in any way we can. ++
++ With everything that is happening, it is important to be thankful and to look at the brighter side. Unity emerged through this pandemic. From public figures to normal citizens, everybody lent a helping hand. We have felt compassion from one another. ++
++ We learned to express gratitude for each blessing may it be big or small. We turned to God once again and our faith in Him strengthened.

As a Vincentian-Isabelan, I will always remember that God welcomes all sinners with open arms and He waits for us to come to Him. ++
++ . Let us pray for a miracle and believe in His works for through him, everything is possible. Although scientifically, it is nearly impossible for this pandemic to end soon but our Lord is bigger and stronger than any problem. ++
Through prayers, we can help in ending this suffering. It is never too late to ask for God’s help, forgiveness and guidance.

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