Let's talk for a moment about reading in a pandemic.

I've read 2 complete books in the last 6 weeks. I typically read 3 a week. I've started several others and DNFed (for now). I hated the 2 I read, but I can't say it is 100% because of the books at this point.
Similarly, I've had a hard time starting new TV shows, especially anything that is dark, depressing, or requires a lot of attention. Even comedies. I've enjoyed Lego Masters and initially liked Zoey's Playlist but The Teen and I both find the sadness in it overwhelming.
The Teen has done better than me at reading, but did go searching the other day on the cart of TLT arcs for something "fun and light". Even though she has more time now to read, she has been reading less, though still more than me.
I've heard a lot of people talk about how reading right now is hard and I have found that to be true in my house as well. But also, I've learned to give myself grace about it. What's happening right now is unprecedented and a lot. It's okay to be struggling with it.
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