Yesterday marked the anniversary of the beginning of the 1907 Belfast Dock Strike. Led by Larkin, it ran until August.

"Not as Catholics or Protestants. Not as Nationalists or Unionists. But as Belfast workers standing together."- Jim Larkin.
The Dockers & Carters’ strike was a display of Protestant and Catholic working class people uniting to fight for better working conditions. At the peak of the strike 100,000 workers from across the sectarian divide marched to City Hall in a show of strength.
Meanwhile, bosses used all the powers of the state, the army, the police, and the media to undermine the workers, while a conservative approach from the top union leadership further undermined the workers.
Similar to today, “unskilled” workers kept the economy of the city running. All while working in horrible conditions for measly wages with no union recognition.
Jim Larkin organised the workers into a militant force that could fight effectively for improvements, establishing new branches of the National Union of Dock Labourers (NUDL). Strikes spread across the city with support from the population and from workers in Britain.
The unrest even spread to the police force. 1200 troops were brought in to take the place of RIC officers who had been relocated in order to prevent a mutiny. The presence of the military lead to riots, with the army murdering two people.
The pro-capitalist Belfast Telegraph issued propaganda in an effort to drive a sectarian wedge between Catholic and Protestant workers. However, Larkin and the union leadership intervened to prevent sectarian division.
Eventually, due to the capitulation of the more conservative elements of the union leadership, the workers were forced back to work with a minimum of their demands met - just at the critical moment of the city rising up in support of the striking workers!
Nevertheless, the legacy of this strike is proof of the power and ability of Catholic and Protestant workers coming together, rejecting the sectarian divide and rule narratives, to fight to advance their common class interests.
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