The public has been deceived! I truly believe that, had Jeffrey Lieberman and the APA not intervened, we would have had a serious chance at the 25th Amendment in early to mid-2018, since at that time the public was largely on board....
... we were at the center of national discourse, and people were not yet so easily gaslit and misled (when Donald Trump was bragging about his “bigger button”).
I believe that our effectiveness was why the APA came out so strongly, using the big guns of bullying such as Lieberman and trusted authorities such as the NY Times, to come out with an “ethics” that made no sense and to stifle a national conversation in unprecedented ways.
Make no mistake: excluding experts from discussions on mental health deprives the public of critical knowledge and power (expertise is NOT the same as anyone thinking anything, as the pandemic should reveal), and effectively strips them of the ability to fight back and intervene.
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