Another distance learning conundrum: novelty vs. routine.
Week 6. From student feedback I learned that certain activities were particularly well liked. It makes sense to me to repeat those in order to provide a sense of familiarity and as a basis for a next level activity. 1/
At the same time, in this cascading form of compartmentalized lesson delivery, anything repeated can come across as lazy teaching (to the parent eye, for example). Even if *I* know that repetition of motor skills is central to growth & improvement. 2/
I've produced a neat library of over 30 discrete activities and videos designed for different grade levels aimed at easy participation, low stakes response requirements (i.e., send me a note or voice message), & lifting the mood. Encouraging fun feels more important than ever. 3
The frequency of my lessons have decreased due to a change in schedule so I'm thinking more carefully about how to make each contact opportunity count. How do I show care, interest and responsiveness to student wishes and needs in my micro lessons? 4/
Based on their feedback I clearly need to include more manipulative activities (throwing, catching, kicking, striking) and they enjoyed making up their own target games. Given that, I see my job is to wed those priorities and develop new options on a familiar theme. 5/
While I struggle to believe that all of my deliberations will make a significant difference in student experience of #HPEatHome, my students' responses become the guiding light. We won't be successful without their input. It's that simple. 6/
As I'm observing with my own child, sustaining motivation to continue - to follow the plan, to meet expectations - becomes students' most difficult mountain to traverse. A new trek begins every day. If I can position PE as the welcome break & breathing space, I'm winning. 7/
I believe that my students are both managing well and tired. They are responsive and a bit worn. Both/and. Reminding myself, too, that there is so much that is out of view and earshot. So many struggles that I don't know about. 8/
If there's anything for me to get right during this extended period of remote teaching, it has to be staying connected to my kids and doing whatever I can to help them connect to happy, PE experiences right where they are. I guess novelty and routine will both play a part. 9/9
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