Feminine men are not the problem? Really? What the hell do you suppose AGPs, who become "transwomen," are? All the "non-binary" and queer men who go after "TERFs" on Twitter? Those who head almost all LGBTQ+ orgs that are principally responsible for propagating gender ideology? https://twitter.com/GabeBlessing/status/1254661919119638528
It's so surprising that women who see a reflection on men of the gender that's been imposed on them have some kind of weird sense of loyalty to them, i.e. fag hags. But they fail to see how virulently misogynistic many of these men are, simply because their gender performance
is similar to theirs. Perhaps because they think that they are both oppressed by the same patriarchy, without realizing that that patriarchy has used feminine males as the Trojan horse with which to infiltrate so many previously feminist orgs and destroy them from the inside out.
Female socialization is a bitch, ain't it? Get a man to look a little effeminate and it's off to the races to cuddle and mother the poor sod. Until, of course, said man begins identifying as a woman and starts colonizing your spaces, your language, your very existence as a woman.
So many women are complicit in their own subjugation, what else is new? But that they fall over themselves to give men the keys to the kingdom, so long as these men bat their eyelashes just so, is dismaying. The gullibility astounds.
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