diversity is a strength, which is exactly why its worth working on
reactionaries are trivially correct in that a more hetrogenous population is more "work" in that it requires more energy to make work

however what they get wrong is that the returns on a functional diverse society massively outweighs costs in the long run
complaining that a more diverse society requires more cognitive effort is a complaint on par with 'smartphones bad' cuz they require more cognitive effort than books or rotrary phones

the costs are true but Ok Boomer
this is *especially* true as society becomes more complex. As you expand whats possible the number of unique perspectives you can bring on a problem lets you find efficiencies that would have been overlooked (provided of course you have good information processing capacities)
(information processing is important because compiling whats useful among viewpoints and transforming the information into legible actionable that others can recognize is essential to derive value from the process)
diversity is also useful because when you're grappling with complex problems teleological approaches are really shit (see video)

the number of possible ways you could move at each point in the process means that covering a lot of ground is best strategy
Again, all of this is more cognitively demanding than simply ordering people to do stuff. But society gains a multitude of benefits - larger capacity to explore whats possible and more nuanced problem solving capacity
anyway the notion that you wouldn't invest in strengths and pay upkeep is absurd. People with talents have to foster them to truly excel. So what if balancing gender diversity or racial diversity takes energy? Maintaining a trad ethnostate would also require serious effort 🤷‍♀️
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