Ok, so I know I don't go off on large ass rants, but I feel like I should break some ice from me and let you guys in on a bit something serious that's been happening to me. I've said that I have a girlfriend. She happened to stumble upon me in a server we're both in. (1/17)
She saw one of my old custom statuses and decide to check on me. I told her that I was just remembering my old memories of the past, and she seemed to understand that, which is completely fine. After that, we became friends and she messages me daily. On days where she, (2/17)
Isn't feeling well, she doesn't message me. And I understand that too, got have time alone. She even unfriended me once. I didn't complain though, I was just concerned why she unfriended me. Then we went back to being friends, and had occasional conversations and all that. (3/17)
After several days past, she asked me what I thought about her. I said that I think of her as a friend who looks out for me, is willing to listen to what I have to say, and really cares for me. I liked her just the way she is. When I asked her what she thought about me, (4/17)
She said she described me as a person worth spending time with as I'm calm, energetic, and helpful. She also said I'm a bit weird, but also really sweet and cute. It really wraps around all the traits that I have and makes up one of the best gifts I could ever hold. And (5/17)
Personally, she likes me. I can't argue with that. I liked her too, but in a way where I thought out of a different kind of curiosity. But I wasn't gonna complain. We had the idea of being together, and we loved the sound of that, but we felt like it wasn't gonna happen, (6/17)
But it actually happened. We really liked each other alot and we were both happy. It felt like our fates were destined to cross. But the sad thing is that we're both across the entire globe, and I always had this dream where we never met. But I never doubted myself ever. (7/17)
On some nights, she occasionally messages me checking up to see what I'd be doing, and I'd be watching some FF7R, something funny, or playing some games I only play at night. And she seems okay with that. Very rarely, she wishes me a goodnight, and I'd do the same to her. (8/17)
Sometimes whenever we both felt a bit down, we don't message each other and that kinda puts me in a bit of a sad mood cause I miss her sometimes. It's hard thinking about someone that you truly like and not getting messaged by them. I get that feeling, and it hurts me bad. (9/17)
After a few days past by us, she messaged me again and said that she felt a bit down and I was okay with it. It's just that I missed her so much. I even prayed that I wanted me and her to be together. We both loved each other so much that we couldn't cut off our fates. (10/17)
Sometimes I have friends that pisses me off and I just hate them for whatever reason it is, but not her. Because I love her, I never got too mad at her. She makes me feel happy. She's definitely glad to make me feel happy, even if we just talk to each other, and far apart (11/17)
She did apologize for not messaging me in those past few days, and I accepted it. Life can happen at times, and knowing that, we always had each other in our hearts. She never wants to forget and leave me in her lifespan. She was happy to have someone cute and good exist. (12/17)
We were both happy to have each other. After that, we went back to our normal lives and occasional check ups. Then a few days past, and we don't message each other for a while. Kinda falling apart, right? No. Couple of days ago, she messaged me early morning and I didn't (13/17)
Respond. I was real busy with stuff and I didn't have time to message her. Yesterday, she got back with messaging me and I said sorry to her. She said it was okay, but I wasn't okay with it. But she did make me feel a bit better. And then, it all lead up to today. (14/17)
I was waiting for her to message me, but I was a bit too impatient. Later tonight, I found out that she had unfriended me and left the server that I was in with her. I almost cried when I found out. I had two choices. Either re-friend her or wait for her to re-friend me. (15/17)
Either choice I had made would lead her into saying sorry for unfriending you and me say it's okay. So yeah. In short, I'm kinda going through relationship problems. I get that life can happen at times, but there's no need to unfriend me. She can talk to me about it. (16/17)
Wow, I've gone on long enough for this thread to be 17 threads long. But if somehow you read through all of this, then you are awesome. I've taken most of your time today. Imma try and get all of this sorted out with my girlfriend and I'll see what'll unfold. Goodnight 🌸 (17/17)
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