while I love the idea of David being a late night show and I think he’d be great at the job, I’m worried. not because of his ability but because I dont want him to take just any late night slot and get stuck with a cracked out show that airs at 1 am
while there’s nothing wrong with those shows, their budget is significantly lower and the opportunities in terms of guests and bits are fewer. the live audience will be little to none. it probably wont even be live but prerecorded cause no one films at 1am
taking the very first late night gig that comes your way as an online creator isnt very wise especially when most of your audience will be on youtube anyway. it’ll just create bigger problems and more restrictions on the content u wanna make
usually these smaller late night gigs lead to the hosts going on to host the BIG shows like the tonight show. that’s what happened with Fallon. but this happens so the host can build an audience. david’s audience is ALREADY established and a small show would seem like a step back
especially when he’s already able to bring big names and bits on his vlog, WAY bigger than anything he’d be able to do with a show that airs at 2 am with no budget.
anyway I just hope he and his team are careful with the opportunities that he takes. sometimes taking a leap into mainstream media is more of a regression rather than a step forward for your career
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