Taylor’s transition from the line “no rules/ in breakable heaven” in Cruel Summer to “this is our place/ we make the rules” in Lover is indicative of the change in her and Joe’s relationship from a reckless and undefined arrangement to a stable and soul-bounding love.
By referring to their relationship as a “breakable heaven,” Taylor is hinting at the uncertain and precarious situation they find themselves in, and how there are no “rules” because it is an uncommitted arrangement. At any moment it can end so there’s no reason to complicate it.
However, with Lover, Taylor refers to their love as a house, showing that it has become a sheltered and nurtured relationship. Now, they must make their own rules in order to maintain their love and keep it perpetually burning. And they do it happily
Having Lover come right after Cruel Summer in the track listing is quite interesting as they are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of their relationship history. Going from the utter confusion and insecurity which is present in Cruel Summer to the sturdy and
defined love that is in Lover offers a quick and well rounded identification/ crash course on their relationship and the troubles and feelings present throughout it right at the beginning of the album before she then goes into a deeper dive with the rest of the tracks
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